Note from Kerri: Deborah went on to write and perform her one woman show, despite being terrified of being seen on stage as an artist and not just a lecturer. She then went on to study vibrational sound healing, and is now building her business "The Art Evangelist" which is her soul's work and deepest pleasure!

"I came to Kerri looking for guidance on which direction to take my business and creative endeavors. Her vast knowledge of Inner Upgrades and Human Design in addition to her intuitive nature intrigued me, and I was confident that she would be able to help me get past my creative blocks.

In our 1:1 and group sessions, Kerri listened attentively and met me where I was each time, not judging even the slightest bit when I had changed my mind about something or couldn't yet figure out which direction to go.  

Because she knew my Human Design so well, she understood my ways of being in the world and in my business and validated them lovingly.

"Before working with Kerri I felt like I was entering into a new birthing situation. About 3 months before we started, I felt like I was being reborn. Lots of things ending, shifting and coming to the surface for me to see. A strong light was being shown on everything that was wanting to be cleared. I had a spark to reach out to Kerri because I knew that it wasn't going to be on the surface, we would go much deeper. It was a period of my life where I needed that to enter a new phase in my life.

After working with Kerri I can say that A LOT has shifted. Every session felt like it was literally going into the ROOT of all the barriers to me showing up fully in my life. Not just in my writing, but for myself. Owning my voice and chipping away a lot of the extra layers I had where I would put my own path and desires in the hands of others. Where I was still looking for validation and that things were okay. That's one of my themes in my life, being validated and seen, belonging and fitting in. A huge layer of that has been chipped away after working with Kerri. Every single session seemed to unearth a lot of that in different areas of my life. It wasn't like we were working on one thing. Like literally so much shifting has happened in so many different areas of my life, a LOT of freedom and expansion.

One way I saw this happen was what I literally felt over Zoom during our calls. I'd come onto a call with Kerri feeling heavy, noticing how my body is feeling and what's going on with me and then at the end of the call literally feeling more open, literally feeling more expansive and free. 

And now that I'm done working with Kerri, lots people in my life that I'm close with have been naming this. They've been telling me "Wow, Gigi. More than anything I want to be like you!" It blew my mind, I was like "Why? In what way?" And they would let me know, "You seem so free. You say what you want to say, you do what you want to do, it seems like you really live your life fully and that's something I aspire to be like and have in my life as my reality." I've had multiple, multiple people say that. Of course I'm still moving through some of those layers and integrating that into my life, but the fact that it's being seen and felt and reflected by people in my life that see me not just on the surface but that see me in multiple ways. So that's been a big expansion. 

I'm a public speaker and I've noticed that in my speeches where it's canned and I'm saying the same speech over and over again, I've literally used the tools and sayings that Kerri has given me in our sessions before speaking. Normally with these set speeches when I'm doing them a lot it can feel dull and a little closed, cramped and boxed in because I can't just say whatever is coming through me I have to stick to the script that I've written. But as I go through the tools that she gave me and meditating on them before I go on stage to speak I can read them and feel the integration moving through my body. Every time I do that and then go onstage to do my speech, it's like something else comes through me. I feel wider, I take up more energetic space and I see in the eyes of the people I'm speaking to it's so much deeper and they are feeling me on such a deeper emotional level than in the past. Right after I give these speeches, people are coming up to me to give me more speaking opportunities. My life is being changed in these moments where I'm using and integrating the tools we worked on in our time together. I'm forever grateful I listened to that intuitive spark to start working with Kerri. I knew I was going through a rebirth and it's being felt in my life, in my body, in the way people are seeing me and in what is popping up in my life. New opportunities, new connections, new relationships and all of it feels so beautiful and so expansive and has completely risen the bar for me." - Gigi Bisong, Coach, Speaker & Meditation Teacher

“Kerri’s work is magnificent and otherworldly. She was able to tap into thoughts, feelings and emotional patterns in me that I have not shared with others.

During our 4th session my patterns of ‘filling up space’, ‘taking on extra work’, and doing more than I need to came up. I realized after the session that these deep-seated patterns have affected my health, burnout at work and general relationship to work/career, especially as a Projector in Human Design.

I am still processing the shifts and the insights and am unexpectedly finding this pattern come up in other aspects of my life. 

"Kerri is an incredibly gifted coach and healer. Her ability to hold space and intuitively guide you through your process is unmatched. Before working with Kerri, I was working through some limiting beliefs such as "needing to do it all on my own" and feeling lost and confused.

Through her healing work, Human Design, and Kerri's embodied listening, I was able to accept myself exactly as I am, gain so much clarity and understanding, and truly give myself permission to be the person I already am.

Kerri has this presence that I trusted immediately which is so key while doing this vulnerable, personal work. Anytime old wounds would come up throughout our sessions such as guilt or shame, she guided me into a softening to accept my light as well as my shadow. Thank you, Kerri!" - Leya

Kerri’s insights and healing work have truly empowered me and my relationship to my current work role and to how I show up in my life is shifting.

Through working with Kerri I’ve experienced release from emotional pain, particularly deep-seated emotional and thought patterns. This has been a truly life-shifting experience. I have already recommended Kerri to multiple friends. Her work is truly a gift to humanity.” - Mita 

"Working with Kerri supported me in better understanding myself and how I can interact with the world from a place of authenticity and power. The world of Human Design is fascinating and Kerri did a wonderful job of breaking down all of the elements specific to my design. I immediately started to experience results as I brought the awareness of my design into my life. It relieved a lot of pressure, making me step into my wholeness as a human being with power and grace. Doing this work with Kerri is forever integrated into my life." - David

Kerri’s highly gifted and intuitive and our relationship spans about 7 years. I highly recommend her to other leaders and CEO’s who are seeking clear energetic support and insight.” - Tanya, founder & CEO Somatic Writing

I left each session feeling clear and excited about the steps I wanted to take, and I left the program feeling more confident in myself and the gifts I have to share with the world.

I'm so very grateful to have had the opportunity to be guided by Kerri and I highly recommend that any creative woman seeking clarity in her life and/or career path invest in her mentorship. - Christie

“Kerri’s power lies in her exquisite grace and serenity. What’s most impressive to me is her non-dualistic approach: she offers methods that allow for both flow and structure - i.e. gentle allowing/surrendering and at the same time, structuring and planning.

Her tools unite body/mind, feminine/masculine with creative practices that encourage wholeness, authenticity, inspiration and joy. The result of her techniques might best be described as “flowing structures” or “playful discipline” which produce optimal conditions that allow for creativity to flourish.

I truly cherish the work I’ve been doing with Kerri and it is a privilege to be working with her. She brings great depth, intuition and compassion to each session. I consider Kerri my creative midwife helping me birth the artist that has always been inside me but feels too afraid to come out.” - Deborah 

"Kerri's work is difficult to describe but elemental to experience. Usually cathartic, always clarifying, my sessions with Kerri have had an almost magical effect — one of unifying mind, body, and spirit; developing trust in intuition; and imagining and actualizing a free, un-fearful expression of self. Kerri acts as both guide and witness, creating safe space for catharsis and growth. This practice is a wonder.

In additiona, understanding the role of my authority and energy type in Human Design has helped me manage my energy, trust my choices, and follow my body’s wisdom - its intuitions as well as its needs - to both work more efficiently and welcome serendipity. As a real estate agent I’m fortunate to have a great deal of freedom in the way I run my business; human design has been a big part of making the most meaningful use of that freedom (and you should see me running my colleague’s charts to improve our collaborations!). HD (and Kerri) keep on helping me imagine and sustain a business that brings me real joy.” - Michaela 

"Kerri's work is difficult to describe but elemental to experience. Usually cathartic, always clarifying, my sessions with Kerri have had an almost magical effect — one of unifying mind, body, and spirit; developing trust in intuition; and imagining and actualizing a free, un-fearful expression of self. Kerri acts as both guide and witness, creating safe space for catharsis and growth. This practice is a wonder.

In addition to the healing work, understanding the role of my authority and energy type in Human Design has helped me manage my energy, trust my choices, and follow my body’s wisdom - its intuitions as well as its needs - to both work more efficiently and welcome serendipity. As a real estate agent I’m fortunate to have a great deal of freedom in the way I run my business; human design has been a big part of making the most meaningful use of that freedom (and you should see me running my colleague’s charts to improve our collaborations!). HD (and Kerri) keep on helping me imagine and sustain a business that brings me real joy.” - Michaela 

“Three summers ago Kerri Van Kirk did a Human Design consultation for me that profoundly shifted the trajectory of my business for the better. By looking at some of the more nuanced material and communicating it to me in a way that felt intuitive, not just learned, she was able to help me illuminate the kind of leadership that was most natural to me and aligned with my design so I could lean into it.

This has impacted the way I communicate and present myself in the world as well as affirming an inner philosophy I’ve always had around radical generosity and the way that that works to bring me and those around me exactly what I need.

"Working with Kerri has fundamentally changed my job, my business and how I work and create in the world. In that way, she has fundamentally changed my life for the better. She has been able to unlock for me insights and a deeper understanding of my strengths as a leader, businesswoman and creator and then practice & apply them.

In our time working together, she helped me identify and create a business structure and lifestyle around my personal and professional vision, even as it changed. I can now say I’m living from my zone of genius; Kerri’s support was an instrumental part of that. 

Kerri uses multiple techniques and skills, which allows her to adapt to the ever-changing needs of me and my business while never losing sight of the end goal: growth, empowerment, professional impact, satisfaction with life and creative and spiritual self-actualization. 

She’s fluent in meeting me where I am, seeing where I want to go, helping me find the right answers, whether it’s emotional, practical or creative.

She’s a fantastic coach and healer and I’d recommend her in a heartbeat for anyone ready to work at a deeper level."

-  Shannon DeJong. Writer/Performer and Founder, House of Who, Inc.

“I really feel freer, free to be who I am. Stepping into my power. Being more confident with who I am and what I want. I am learning to separate everyone’s else’s feelings from my own. Thank you.”
— Rene, Entrepreneur (Mindset Wellness CBD)

"I feel that I am truly in the crucible of change in these last few months and I am grateful to kerri and for the depth of her work to help steer my ship to my strongest vision of my life.  

She gently yet powerfully moves your life to a higher level." - Linda


Learn more at the page above & email me or send a voice message on FB messenger or Instagram to chat.

Learn more & book a free consultation at the page above or feel free to send me a message on FB messenger or  Instagram to chat.