Are you a creative, spiritually minded writer, coach or entrepreneur?

 Do you love discovering new and expansive ways to think about life, your creativity, & your work - as you expand into the most aligned + abundant version of yourself? (Not just monetarily, but in all ways!)

Would you appreciate an extra hour every week to lie down and rest? (And feel good about it because you're actually supporting your business & creative goals while you do it!)?

Could you use a regular way to work through any anxiety, uncertainty & pressure that comes up as you do your creative work & build your business?

Then Innate Creator might be for you!

Are you a creative, spiritually minded writer, coach or entrepreneur?

 Do you love discovering new and expansive ways to think about life, your creativity, & your work - as you expand into the most aligned + abundant version of yourself? (Not just monetarily, but in all ways!)

Would you appreciate an extra hour every week to lie down and rest? (And feel good about it because you're actually supporting your business & creative goals while
you do it!)?

Could you use a relatively fun way to work through any anxiety, uncertainty & pressure that comes up as you do your creative work & grow your business?

Then Innate Creator might be for you!

The Weekly Inner Upgrade Club

Inner Upgrades are transformational, intuitively led sessions that address the 



helping you tap back into your own magic & live the creative, life-affirming,
soul nourishing existence you intended with each and every session.





Brooklyn polaroid single-origin coffee put a bird on it synth. 

title goes here

lorem ipsum

Hexagon banjo man jean shorts direct trade pour-over succulents.

title goes here

lorem ipsum

I believe that our "assignment" when we come to Earth is to not only remember, but fully embody our wholeness, harmony and radiance, experiencing as much LOVE as possible in this lifetime while actualizing what makes us unique and expressing that outward as our PURPOSE (for me that's in my career & creativity!). Along the way, we get to meet amazing people, experience deep healing from childhood wounds (as well as wounds from our family line and previous or parallel incarnations!) and come more and more into full integrity with who we came here to be. Loving. Loved. Radiant. Honest. Beautiful. True. 

Let's put these two perspectives together: We have a magnetic monopole that attracts what we need to experience in our lives in order to come into greater harmony with our unique expression of LOVE and PURPOSE. The more aligned we are with LOVE + PURPOSE already, the more easefully we attract experiences that match up with our love and purpose and the less we need to attract experiences that are there to mirror where we aren't aligned with love and purpose. If the G Center needs to attract something into our lives that doesn't feel good, it's purpose is to poke at us to try to get us to finally remember, see, accept or take action in alignment with our loveability and the perfection of who we are, right now. The purpose of those experiences is to show us that we could be even MORE in alignment with ourselves and to give us an opportunity to reclaim our true power and make a change.  (Yes, this even works on a collective level. It doesn't feel good for us to see war happening, or people struggling to get what they need...these are reflections of our greater society's current energetic frequency when it comes to love and direction....obviously misguided and not truly aligned with love!!) 

In Innate Creator, we explore the core energies of love + direction to help creative spiritual entrepreneurial women like you come into alignment with your unique purpose, while ever-deepening the love you are experiencing in your life - from romantic love, to friendship, to loving your body, your clients, collaborators and communities online and off. 

 Innate Creator gives you space to tap back into the
 "Innate Creator" archetype inside you. The version of you that listens to her own deep knowing, gives very few f*cks about what other people think and leads herself with courage & creative power in business, writing, and beyond.

When you start living from this Innate Creator state, (the state that Inner Upgrades easily put you in) you experience more flow, freedom, fun, & aligned abundance in your business, creative work & life. 

  Innate Creator gives you space to 'tap back into your magic' & connect with the Innate Creator inside you.

The woman that yields to her own deep knowing and co-creates with life through how she walks, talks, acts, loves and leads herself in business, writing, creative projects and beyond.

Cray hexagon messenger bag, pinterest hell of etsy man braid normcore vexillologist cred twee tumblr franzen. Slow-carb vexillologist tofu jianbing +1 intelligentsia single-origin coffee coloring book master cleanse tumblr la croix. Semiotics edison bulb plaid.


Chambray glossier tbh XOXO chicharrones narwhal truffaut forage butcher. Selvage chartreuse artisan plaid, Narwhal sriracha shabby chic disrupt edison bulb.


90's glossier ennui, quinoa chia franzen pug chartreuse tattooed viral ugh try-hard. Bitters raw denim pork belly copper mug fixie hell of letterpress coloring book banjo listicle lyft vinyl narwhal plaid. Craft beer selfies.


What's Included:

- 4x/month Inner Upgrade Sessions on Mondays. These top of the week sessions are your space to lie back, relax and receive an Inner Upgrade. These sessions help your body rest, elevate your mindset, shed the limiting beliefs that aren't serving you and help you tap back into your flow as you run your business & make your art. (Livestreamed on Mondays at 3:30pm Eastern, Generally 60 minutes long, the week of the 90 minute Zoom session, we keep them to 30 minutes! See below)

- Monthly 90 minute Group Inner Upgrade Session on Zoom. On the last evening of the month at 8pm Eastern, we gather together on Zoom for an EPIC Inner Upgrade session. I channel a theme for what energy wants to be explored and then lead a session that sets you up to start the new month STOKED to be you, on this creative, spiritual journey of building a business & writing/art practice you love. (Occasionally, I will shift this from the last day of the month, to a particular astrological event like the Equinox or Solstice!)

- Replays of all sessions, plus replay library of 50+ previous Inner Upgrade sessions on money, marketing, resting, creative power, purpose and beyond - to use as a reset whenever you need it!


Doubting That You Can Get What You Want? This One's For You! Buckle up! This was one heck of a session! This is an upgrade into being able to hold strong to your intentions and let the past be the past. Allow your old identity to release and step into a more aligned you in business & creativity.

Double Your Money! This mini-session on Money helps you connect to what you feel really good about & use that energy to get your mind & your bank account ready to double your money. Super fun!

Shift Your Unconscious Impressions! This session is so amazing. It leads you through a process to identify what your unconscious impressions are on any subject: money, love, family, writing, etc. and allows you to shift that unconscious impression into something that SERVES you, instead of holds you back or depletes you!

This session is about opening up to ECSTASY. Aka, pleasure, love, connection, the beauty and the sensation of being ALIVE. We became aware of contracts that were made when you were around 5-7 years old, shifted that energy and rewrote them into something that supports living in your PLEASURE and your UNIQUENESS day in and day out.

Letting Go of Negative Experiences in Love. This mini-session on Love will help your body move through past negative experiences you've had around love (romantic, familial, friendship) and open you up to new kinds of experiences in love, business & beyond.

Overcoming Overwhelm & Embodying Your Highest Self. This session was SO BEAUTIFUL. It will help you let go of beating yourself up for what you haven't done yet and stop overwhelm in it's tracks, inviting you to live in your full, beautiful, powerful self more & more of the time!


Here's a short sample of previous Inner Upgrade sessions we've done (that you have access to through our replay library!)

& tap out these sesssions
ANY time :)

Sign Up

Our weekly group sessions are not only deeply profound and effective, they are FUN and RELAXING.

You literally get to lie back & receive (often writing inspired notes & insights in your journal!) while your imagination gets activated in new and joyful ways as we discover where your business, creativity & spirit is leading you in real time. 

Some sessions will feel like a full body massage for your energy system, some will feel like a bolt of lightning firing up your passion and some will feel like a deeply nourishing chat with your best friend, or like the pleasure of coming out of the nap to end all naps ;)

They will help you get used to the idea of rest being PRODUCTIVE, and allow you to experience what it's like to take action from a flowing energy, rather than a forceful one!

These sessions create a rhythm for your week & month that keeps you continually renewing, staying up to speed with where your spirit is taking you and making the actions you take more potent, effective & connected to your true power. 

Watch this off the cuff video of me talking about Innate Creator (from the balcony of an amazing AirBnb on Reunion Island! My husband goes on adventure sound recording trips for work and I like to come with! Being in a new location always opens up something new in my work.)

JOIN for just $97/month

Brooklyn polaroid single-origin coffee put a bird on it synth. 

title goes here

lorem ipsum

Hexagon banjo man jean shorts direct trade pour-over succulents.

title goes here

lorem ipsum

Brooklyn polaroid single-origin coffee put a bird on it synth. 

title goes here

lorem ipsum

Hexagon banjo man jean shorts direct trade pour-over succulents.

title goes here

lorem ipsum

"Working with Kerri has fundamentally changed my job, my business and how I work and create in the world. In that way, she has fundamentally changed my life for the better. She has been able to unlock for me insights and a deeper understanding of my strengths as a leader, businesswoman and creator and then practice & apply them.

In our time working together, she helped me identify and create a business structure and lifestyle around my personal and professional vision, even as it changed. I can now say I’m living from my zone of genius; Kerri’s support was an instrumental part of that. 

Kerri uses multiple techniques and skills, including Inner Upgrades and Human Design, which allows her to adapt to the ever-changing needs of me and my business while never losing sight of the end goal: growth, empowerment, professional impact, satisfaction with life and creative and spiritual self-actualization. 

She’s fluent in meeting me where I am, seeing where I want to go, helping me find the right answers, whether it’s emotional, practical or creative.

She’s a fantastic coach and healer and I’d recommend her in a heartbeat for anyone ready to work at a deeper level."

-  Shannon DeJong. Writer/Performer and CEO, House of Who, Inc.

“I’m still feeling beyond blessed and blown away after our call last night, and deeply inspired by each of you and your gifts and so SO grateful. I joined The Upgrade (from Kerri: this is a previous group program of mine!) because I wanted to Uplevel in my career. I wanted to see the blocks and understand my human design more deeply.

I’m in a completely different place than when I started. I’m so thankful that I went through this with all of you. I’m getting my website redone, I’m launching a webinar and have gotten so clear on the people I want to help. And I see now that I have the value to bring them, I’ve been doing it for years and it’s time to put it into action.

I’m building two new businesses and I’m more motivated, energized and excited than I’ve been since I moved to New York. I’m feeling so high right now. There are so many patterns I’ve been able to see and let go, along with letting the right people in to help me uplevel. I’m so excited to move forward and be able to do what I love and help people and keep being lit up by my life. ”
— Korrie O. Founder & CEO Korrie O Digital

“I really feel freer, free to be who I am. Stepping into my power. Being more confident with who I am and what I want. I am learning to separate everyone’s else’s feelings from my own. Thank you.”
— Rene, Entrepreneur (Mindset Wellness CBD)

"Showing up to the Innate Creator sessions has become one of my favorite weekly rituals. I have another community I connect with on Fridays to connect me to the more masculine energies of planning and my to-do list, but starting the week with Innate Creator connects me more deeply with the feminine energy of my beingness and the creative expression of my Authentic Self. While the themes of each session hold the energies of every person in the community, I always feel like Kerri is speaking right to me and putting words to things I've been feeling, but perhaps haven't been able to or taken the reflection time to articulate. I always gain the next level of clarity on whatever is top of mind as well as a reconnection to the slower parts of my creative process. As an emotional manifesting generator in human design, I often bulldoze over the part of my process that slows me down in all the best ways and this is a great space and reminder to embody that part of myself." - Kristen Toscano, Quantum Human Design™ Specialist and Alignment Coach

(And yes, we literally use a form of tapping to do this! 😍 )

When you are leading yourself into new territory creatively, in your business, marketing or in life, it's inevitable that you're going to come up against your own limitations and "blocks". (I know it happens to me!) I've found that when I don't have the help of a trusted energy healer and coach, it's much more likely that I'll get stuck and disempowered in the process of creating the next version of my reality.

But when I DO have regular energy healing support from an inspiring, in integrity healer and coach, I move through challenges and perceived obstacles much more quickly, leaving what's in the past in the past, and opening up to a more and more beautiful and aligned version of my life and career.

That's why I created Innate Creator for you. I think of it as the consistent background support that makes your journey in business & creativity more satisfying, restful, fun & effective.

When you are leading yourself into new territory creatively, in your business, marketing or in life, it's inevitable that you're going to come up against your own limitations and "blocks". (I know it happens to me!) I've found that when I don't have the help of a trusted energy healer and coach, it's much more likely that I'll get stuck and disempowered in the process of creating the next version of my reality.

But when I DO have regular energy healing support from an inspiring, in integrity healer and coach, I move through challenges and perceived obstacles much more quickly, leaving what's in the past in the past, and opening up to a more and more beautiful and aligned version of my life, creativity and career - and have a lot more fun while doing it!

That's why I created Innate Creator for you. I think of it as the weekly energetic background support that makes your journey in business & creativity more satisfying, restful, fun & effective. I'd love to have you try us out and see if it's the right ongoing support for you!

I believe that our "assignment" when we come to Earth is to not only remember, but fully embody our wholeness, harmony and radiance, experiencing as much LOVE as possible in this lifetime while actualizing what makes us unique and expressing that outward as our PURPOSE (for me that's in my career & creativity!). Along the way, we get to meet amazing people, experience deep healing from childhood wounds (as well as wounds from our family line and previous or parallel incarnations!) and come more and more into full integrity with who we came here to be. Loving. Loved. Radiant. Honest. Beautiful. True. 

Let's put these two perspectives together: We have a magnetic monopole that attracts what we need to experience in our lives in order to come into greater harmony with our unique expression of LOVE and PURPOSE. The more aligned we are with LOVE + PURPOSE already, the more easefully we attract experiences that match up with our love and purpose and the less we need to attract experiences that are there to mirror where we aren't aligned with love and purpose. If the G Center needs to attract something into our lives that doesn't feel good, it's purpose is to poke at us to try to get us to finally remember, see, accept or take action in alignment with our loveability and the perfection of who we are, right now. The purpose of those experiences is to show us that we could be even MORE in alignment with ourselves and to give us an opportunity to reclaim our true power and make a change.  (Yes, this even works on a collective level. It doesn't feel good for us to see war happening, or people struggling to get what they need...these are reflections of our greater society's current energetic frequency when it comes to love and direction....obviously misguided and not truly aligned with love!!) 

In Innate Creator, we explore the core energies of love + direction to help creative spiritual entrepreneurial women like you come into alignment with your unique purpose, while ever-deepening the love you are experiencing in your life - from romantic love, to friendship, to loving your body, your clients, collaborators and communities online and off. 

Message from Kerri:

Message from Kerri:


Cray hexagon messenger bag, pinterest hell of etsy man braid normcore vexillologist cred twee tumblr franzen. Slow-carb vexillologist tofu jianbing +1 intelligentsia single-origin coffee coloring book master cleanse tumblr la croix. Semiotics edison bulb plaid.


Chambray glossier tbh XOXO chicharrones narwhal truffaut forage butcher. Selvage chartreuse artisan plaid, Narwhal sriracha shabby chic disrupt edison bulb.


90's glossier ennui, quinoa chia franzen pug chartreuse tattooed viral ugh try-hard. Bitters raw denim pork belly copper mug fixie hell of letterpress coloring book banjo listicle lyft vinyl narwhal plaid. Craft beer selfies.



“I’ve been in personal development as a customer and service provider for over 10 years. I still wouldn’t know how to describe Kerri's work other than... it’s MAGIC. I don’t know why or how, but it works.

It works best for the things you sense, but can’t find words for. Or when you know you want things to be different, but are unclear about why you’re still stuck. Or if you feel conflict (between yourself and yourself, or yourself and others), and want more ease and flow.

More than just the upgrades, I deeply appreciate the attuned and aligned guidance Kerri created for me. The channeler is just as important as the channel. Kerri and energy work are a potent mix. I’ve brought Kerri in to work with some of my own clients. That’s how much I trust her and this incredible service she offers. I recommend Kerri without reservation to anyone looking for more ease, clarity, and freedom.”

client name

"Dreamcatcher messenger bag selvage fam small batch humblebrag. Hexagon banjo man jean shorts direct trade pour-over succulents."

client name

"Next level helvetica portland authentic prism four dollar toast whatever chambray you probably haven't heard of them."

Brooklyn polaroid single-origin coffee put a bird on it synth. 

title goes here

lorem ipsum

Hexagon banjo man jean shorts direct trade pour-over succulents.

title goes here

lorem ipsum

Starting the week fresh & inspired as you let go of past disappointments, pain, and emotional baggage that have kept you repeating the same cycles in business, creativity or life and start new cycles of flow, authenticity and spaciousness in your work.

Feeling more confident marketing yourself & your work, ending the pressure to be anything other than what you truly are and reaching the aligned souls that are meant to work with you or become your biggest fans!

Walking with a lighter, more playful attitude about life that draws more opportunities for PLAY, pleasure and fulfillment back to you in business, relationships & creativity.

Experiencing life in a more magical dimension as you become aware of how the inner changes you are making ripple out into your business & life.

Having immense gratitude for the beautiful richness of being truly, ecstatically ALIVE, taking life as it comes and choosing yourself, your joy and your growth again and again and by day creating (& evolving) the life & business of your dreams.  

Feeling spiritually connected & surrendered to your highest and best outcome in all ways & for the highest good of all. 



Sign up

"Kerri is an incredibly gifted coach and healer. Her ability to hold space and intuitively guide you through your process is unmatched. Before working with Kerri, I was working through some limiting beliefs such as "needing to do it all on my own" and feeling lost and confused. Through UHP, Human Design, and Kerri's embodied listening, I was able to accept myself exactly as I am, gain so much clarity and understanding, and truly give myself permission to be the person I already am. Kerri has this presence that I trusted immediately which is so key while doing this vulnerable, personal work. Anytime old wounds would come up throughout our sessions such as guilt or shame, she guided me into a softening to accept my light as well as my shadow. Thank you, Kerri!
 - Leya

"Kerri is such a joy to receive healing work from. She radiates joy, sincerity, honesty, and compassion, and creates an atmosphere of safety and comfort, even from across the country. I’m so grateful to Kerri for her work, and am looking forward to more sessions.” - Celina


“Working with Kerri was a moving and powerful experience. I didn’t know what to expect, and Kerri put me at ease right away. I trusted her completely with the experience. I was surprisingly moved during the session, with Kerri tapping into parts of my life and way of moving through the world were so accurate, and brought those into crystalized form for me to address. I am more peaceful now. I also see a way to move forward with new ideas and insights into how my future can be different. I don’t need to be stuck in my old patterns, and Kerri helped me see this.” - MARIA F.