NO matter how successful we look on the outside (or have looked in the past) We all run into personal edges & patterns that we just can't seem to move beyond no matter what we try.

These PATTERNS & GROWTH EDGES are not accidental. They are the sum total of OUR Many lifetimes of experience, our foundation of childhood, soul contracts we've made, collective consciousness, Our beliefs & ways of taking action.

The amazing thing is...We can heal *WAY* more of theSE PATTERNS & EDGES than western medicine or general culture has led us to believe. (Or what basic coaching + mindset culture fails to uncover the complexity of.)

Wheel Work

My name is Kerri Van Kirk. I'm a Master Energy Healer for Entrepreneurs + Creatives. Over the last several years, I've developed a comprehensive framework for viewing reality from a spiritual, human & collective lens in such a way that it can discern:
1) What exact pattern is ready to shift within you.
2) What spiritual, human and collective aspects are contributing to that pattern, AND
3) the correct order of operations to work through each of those aspects until the pattern is dissolved.

This is a potent mix of healing + coaching work that spans ancestral work, past lives, childhood experiences & trauma, soul purpose work, human design, emotional + somatic healing alongside energetics, mindset, quantum mechanics + manifestation. 

You can reach out to me via email, phone or social media to share a bit about your story / situation and to learn more about how I work. Each 1:1 Wheel Work package is unique. I may propose 6-12 weeks, or a longer timeframe depending on what will serve you best! My policy is open communication and transparency in all that I do, so feel free to reach out and explore if this work is a fit for you!

 I've devoted my life, energy work & coaching practice to be able to pinpoint exactly what is causing a stall or block in your career, creativity, love life, or health and then receive exactly how to address it, step by step, in the most effective order of operations until it is no longer an issue and you are in full alignment with your soul + your potential for peace, happiness, abundance, fulfillment and well-being.

A highly precise, spiritual & practical approach to healing
+ transformation.

A highly precise, spiritual &
practical approach to healing
+ transformation.

6, 70-minute Inner Upgrade Sessions

Send me a DM on MESSENGER, IG, or Email

"I'm still stunned - happily so - about yesterday.
It feels like a level of miracle. These three emails came out of nowhere after We Talked about one of my past lives causing aversion to success! Something definitely cleared because I was not expecting to hear back for days! I'm eternally grateful for you." - DZ          

“The amount of joy, gratitude, peace I’m feeling is honestly something beyond what my mind can comprehend. It’s like I had a spring in me, a well of these feelings, but it was covered in layers of mud, stone, so much gunk that I didn’t even sense it was there. And suddenly, there’s a well, a spring of deliciousness from inside my heart, my being. It doesn’t make logical sense, but there’s an effervescence bubbling in me. I feel magnetic, I feel peace. I feel so much expansion but in a way that’s different, so much more grounded than any of the other “quantum manifesting” or what have you. I’ve done so many of those things, and goodness is the high real! But this isn’t like a high, or some temporary uptick. It’s like a part of me has changed, unlocked, and it’s grounded in a way that feels inevitable, certain. Thank you thank you thank you.” - Chelsea 

to expect

During our consultation, you tell me what is going on in your career or life and where you'd like to see a shift. Then, I tune into the innate intelligence of your body/soul/energy and ask what exact pattern is *ready* to be addressed.

This may be what you want to hear (ie: the pattern your mind most wants to shift) or it may be a different pattern than you were expecting. When I discern exactly what it is, while it may be surprising or unexpected, you will likely feel the deep truth held within it.

Tuning into what is energetically wanting to shift within you creates more powerful, aligned and often faster transformations than by addressing your concern from the mind alone. ("No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” – Albert Einstein.)

After our call, I'll be able to determine an estimated timeline to dissolve the pattern and a proposal for our 1:1 work together. If you accept this, you read through the contract with our agreements for one another and our work begins!

We will set up a messaging app (Voxer or Telegram) for coaching + communication in between sessions and meet
2-3x/month to step-by-step work through The Wheel, uncovering each aspect of your pattern and integrating a new embodiment of clarity, discernment and power into your being.

You may be given homework to do to bring back into our sessions, including rituals, practices or writing. 

As we work through each piece of The Wheel, the pattern will show up differently in your external life. We address each piece until you can enter what I call "The Center" of The Wheel, where you have full awareness and are able to navigate this area with grace, skill and compassion. Over time, it may even become something that is a distant memory, as in, you'll never have a major problem in that area again, or it may be a pattern that your soul chose to work with consciously over your lifetime.

 Regardless, you will feel FREE of the unconscious and conscious binds of this pattern that have been blocking you from experiencing success, well-being, creative and personal fulfillment or love at the level you desire.

As we move from the Outer Wheel to the Inner Wheel we will also uncover subtle energetics that will heighten your intuition, your creativity and your ability to move through life masterfully, while being deeply rooted to your humanity, keeping you honest, authentic and in integrity with yourself.

This is AMAZING, DEEP, & FUN work. It's precision feels like making career stalls and unwanted patterns a little game that we get to play, reducing their grip on you chess board piece by chess board piece until you've got your pattern in checkmate and can actually embody the creative meaning and success that is yours to actualize.

Send me a message on FB messenger, instagram, write an email or call me at 336-456-7299 to request a consultation. I work with discretion and do not share identifying details about my 1:1 work with clients without their permission.

During our consultation, you tell me what is going on in your career or life and where you'd like to see a shift. Then, I tune into the innate intelligence of your body/soul/energy and ask what exact pattern is *ready* to be addressed.

This may be what you want to hear (ie: the pattern your mind most wants to shift) or it may be a different pattern than you were expecting. When I discern exactly what it is, while it may be surprising or unexpected, you will likely feel the deep truth held within it.

Tuning into what is energetically wanting to shift within you creates more powerful, aligned and often faster transformations than by addressing your concern from the mind alone. ("No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” – Albert Einstein.)

After our call, I'll be able to determine an estimated timeline to dissolve the pattern and a proposal for our 1:1 work together. If you accept this, you read through the contract with our agreements for one another and our work begins!

We will set up a messaging app (Voxer or Telegram) for coaching + communication in between sessions and meet
2-3x/month to step-by-step work through The Wheel, uncovering each aspect of your pattern and integrating a new embodiment of clarity, discernment and power into your being.

You may be given homework to do to bring back into our sessions, including rituals, practices or writing. 

As we work through each piece of The Wheel, the pattern will show up differently in your external life. We address each piece until you can enter what I call "The Center" of The Wheel, where you have full awareness and are able to navigate this area with grace, skill and compassion. Over time, it may even become something that is a distant memory, as in, you'll never have a major problem in that area again, or it may be a pattern that your soul chose to work with consciously over your lifetime.

 Regardless, you will feel FREE of the unconscious and conscious binds of this pattern that have been blocking you from experiencing success, well-being, creative and personal fulfillment or love at the level you desire.

As we move from the Outer Wheel to the Inner Wheel we will also uncover subtle energetics that will heighten your intuition, your creativity and your ability to move through life masterfully, while being deeply rooted to your humanity, keeping you honest, authentic and in integrity with yourself.

This is AMAZING, DEEP, & FUN work. It's precision feels like making career stalls and unwanted patterns a little game that we get to play, reducing their grip on you chess board piece by chess board piece until you've got your pattern in checkmate and can actually embody the creative meaning and success that is yours to actualize.

Send me a message on FB messenger, instagram, write an email or call me at 336-456-7299 to request a consultation. I work with discretion and do not share identifying details about my 1:1 work with clients without their permission.

“I’ve been in personal development as customer and service provider for over 10 years. I still wouldn’t know how to describe Kerri's healing work other than... it’s MAGIC. I don’t know why or how, but it works.

It works best for the things you sense, but can’t find words for. Or when you know you want things to be different, but are unclear about why you’re still stuck. Or if you feel conflict (between yourself and yourself, or yourself and others), and want more ease and flow.

More than just the sessions, I deeply appreciate the attuned and aligned guidance Kerri created for me. The channeler is just as important as the channel. Kerri and energy work are a potent mix. I’ve brought Kerri in to work with some of my own clients. That’s how much I trust her and this incredible service she offers. I recommend Kerri without reservation to anyone looking for more ease, clarity, and freedom.” - Christina

“Working with Kerri was a moving and powerful experience. I didn’t know what to expect, and Kerri put me at ease right away. I trusted her completely with the experience. I was surprisingly moved during the session, with Kerri tapping into parts of my life and way of moving through the world were so accurate, and brought those into crystalized form for me to address.

I am more peaceful now. I also see a way to move forward with new ideas and insights into how my future can be different. I don’t need to be stuck in my old patterns, and Kerri helped me see this.” - Maria

I feel like I’ve woken up from such a long and depressing period of life where I couldn’t just trust myself. It was debilitating. I had become so used to feeling not capable of building my own life the way I desired to and now it’s like magic everywhere, opportunities everywhere, beauty everywhere and I can see it and I can bring it through me in different ways and shapes and forms. 

I can see so many possibilities. It’s like a huge part of my scarcity beliefs and emotions have dissolved simply because now I am much more open to seeing creative possibilities. where I stumble upon something undesirable. Instead of treating it like I’m a victim of life in a particular way, how can I use it to upgrade my life even more using this situation? This is beautiful.

I want to thank you so much, Kerri. This is just. I don’t know… One of the best things that has happened to me in a long, long, (really long!!) time. I’m so happy that I met you. I’m so happy that I decided to work with you and that I trusted my intuition. - Emma