My mission is to help the creatives, leaders & entrepreneurs who come across my path to self-actualize. To become all that they came here to become, to heal all that is possible to heal in their lifetime, to resolve issues that they weren't sure they could ever resolve, to create lives of well-being, fulfillment, passion & abundance that ripple out positively into all the corners of earth they are meant to touch (and beyond that - into the ancestral Realm & into future generations).


Feeling desperate, I found myself working behind the counter at a Baked By Melissa (yep, those mini cupcake shops in NYC) - and was inspired by seeing a successful female founder up close. Later that summer, I met a celebrity vocal coach who wanted me to revamp her online music business program and edit the copy on her website. She found me first as an artist and musician she wanted to support, then quickly hired me as her copywriter and ghostwriter.

This relationship began a trail of working side by side with spiritually-minded and creative female founders - from social media + storytelling start ups, to writing and performance coaches, to a woman running a music venue in Brooklyn, to branding agencies in New York City and San Francisco. During that time, I developed my skills as a copywriter, ghostwriter, content strategist, podcast producer, online course creator & marketer. From email automation to landing pages to assisting with webinars to taking sales calls, I learned how to do it all. 

I watched shaky nervous systems jump the gun and spend money on too good to be true "solutions" that they regretted later, burned out CEOs pay the physical and mental health price of dishonoring their energy levels for too long, and leaders tarnish their reputation when they stretched too far and stepped out of integrity with what they promised they could deliver (or burned bridges in their personal lives because of unhealed family wounds). I've seen good financials turn into tax nightmares and incredibly beautiful and smart women not be able to find the man that can really be there for them. I've also seen brilliant writers and performers let their coaching businesses take over all of their creative spark, leaving them frustrated and feeling creatively impotent behind the scenes of what looks like success. 

I also saw what it looked like when those female entrepreneurs and creatives were thriving (and took notes!) and I vowed to do my best to learn from what I was seeing so that myself and others wouldn't have to repeat those same lessons unnecessarily.

Seeing my unique insight into the patterns of creative female founders and entrepreneurs, I started growing my own coaching, healing, Human Design and facilitation skills. I was taught or created the techniques I now use with my clients and developed Wheel Work, a comprehensive, out of this world modality that helps unwind negative patterns in your life, relationships, health, finances, etc. at the root.

I created a business that I love while being one of the most dedicated healers and students of energetics in life, health, creativity, love and business I have ever known.

My work helps you discern which limiting patterns in your health, life, career or relationships are ready to shift and then do the healing + coaching work necessary to completely dissolve them. 

Your life is truly P R E C I O U S and you can heal A N Y T H I N G that is ready to be healed in your lifetime. I help you know that, honor that & free yourself up to create everything in your life from the core essence of wholneness, harmony & radiance that is avaialble to you. No burnout, no self-sacrifice, & no never ending struggles needed.

My work helps you discern which limiting patterns in your health, life, career or relationships are ready to shift and then do the healing + coaching work necessary to completely dissolve them. 

Your life is truly P R E C I O U S and you can heal A N Y T H I N G that is ready to be healed in your lifetime. I help you know that, honor that & free yourself up to create everything in your life from the core essence of wholneness, harmony & radiance that is avaialble to you. No burnout, no self-sacrifice, & no never ending struggles needed.

Some of the things I've healed?

- Multiple eating disorders and body dysmorphia
- Fear of being unlovable/that I would never find my partner
- Letting go of a misaligned career ambition to discover my true soul path and calling
- Trauma from a sexual assault
- Under-earning & scarcity with money
- Misaligned partnerships in work & career
- Patterns of burnout, overthinking & chronic stress
- Being unable to sing or speak without pain
- Panic attacks, extreme emotions, hopelessness & thoughts of suicide/wanting to die
- Fear & disgust around motherhood/the idea of motherhood & pregnancy
- Issues with relating to my parents, accepting their choices and forgiving the past

As a Manifestor in Human Design who had a lot of freedom to explore and create in my childhood, you could say I've been a creative & entrepreneur since I was eight years old.

I played lemonade stand, yes, but also started and performed in the school tv show, wrote parody songs that were sung from classroom to classroom and even filled in for my AP Psychology teacher when he shattered his heel and the substitutes couldn't control the class. I wanted to LEARN! And TEACH! ;)

Until puberty hit, and like so many women in the performing arts, I went down the rabbit hole of self-hatred, eating disorders and body image issues that would haunt me into my early twenties. That's when the confluence of years of bulimia and a sexual assault made me lose my singing voice and all my career plans went out the window. (I had become a singer-songwriter during Acting School at NYU and was in the process of recording my first album when I started being unable to sing without pain). I felt victimized, thrown off course and like a failure. I was overtaken by my emotions, my thoughts and I had no idea how I was going to create a fulfilling life and make money in a way that wouldn't kill my sensitive soul (& nervous system!) I was lost and in crisis.

- I met my INCREDIBLE partner, fell in love and got married. (The kind of guy that was stoked when I would suggest that we spend our anniversary by doing our artistic projects separately and then reunite for a delicious dinner with wine in the evening). 

- I learned how to let life be simple and enjoy myself rather than worry or create unnecessary struggle through learning to work with my Human Design, manage my thoughts, process emotions and work with my energy instead of against it.

- I healed years of eating disorders and body dysmorphia without therapy and by focusing on my soul purpose, creativity and happiness. I learned to live by and  embrace the feminine qualities that I had rejected/kept in my shadow for so long.

- I was introduced to, taught, or brought through the modalities I use on myself and with my clients to create transformation with joy and flow. (Inner Upgrades, Human Design and GUMPTION Method, and now, Wheel Work).

- I healed my voice enough that I turned my songs into one woman shows of storytelling and poetry, reaching deeper into the hearts of my audience and exploring new storytelling mediums like spoken word poetry and podcasting. I learned to make money from my creative talents and built a small but mighty body of work that I am proud of and adding to (my EP of music will complete in 2024!)

- I left NYC and bought a house in Midcoast, Maine with my husband without knowing anyone here! Turns out, we love it and have found the place we likely want to be for the rest of our lives. <3 (Think Stars Hollow meets rocky oceanside.)

- I healed my relationship to my parents and fears around motherhood, while simultaneously receiving & synthesizing the most comprehensive approach to healing, life purpose & energetic understanding that myself or my clients have ever seen (Wheel Work). 

- I'm deliriously happy in my work, my marriage, my body and with life itself. I am living out the magical Harry Potter like-existence that I was obsessed with at ten years old, hoping that it could be real....

An unconventional path led me to the work I do.

I started out as an entrepreneurial-minded singer/songwriter finding her voice while attending acting school at NYU. Just after graduating and recording my first album, I lost my voice and couldn't sing without pain. This was no normal illness and would teach me SO much about emotional, mental, energetic, & spiritual healing work (but more on that later...)

Having a health crisis at 22 that made my chosen profession an impossibility forced me into a spiritual and existential crisis at a young age - I had no choice but to find another path.

That's when life started showing me where it wanted me to go...

An unconventional path led me to the work I do.

I started out as an entrepreneurial-minded singer/songwriter finding her voice while attending acting school at NYU. Just after graduating and recording my first album, I lost my voice and couldn't sing without pain. This was no normal illness and would teach me SO much about emotional, mental, energetic, & spiritual healing work (but more on that later...)

Having a health crisis at 22 that made my chosen profession an impossibility forced me into a spiritual and existential crisis at a young age - I had no choice but to find another path.

That's when life started showing me where it wanted me to go...

My name is Kerri Van Kirk.

I've always been interested in the depths of life. The esoteric mysteries of existence...the power of emotion to change us...what happens when we tell ONLY the truth...the possibility of living in a magical state of being, led by intuition & an unseen intelligence...the precision of astrology....and what it means to be fully, authentically myself & live my purpose. 

I've always been creative and I've always been connected to something grand & divine whispering to me as I climbed up into the willow tree in the next door neighbor's yard...

But what I was learning most from watching these founders in action, was how the role their own self-knowledge, emotional and spiritual well-being, and commitment to integrity with themselves and in their businesses determined how well they truly were (both on the books and not!)

LET'S EXPLORE YOU Embodying the deepest peace & well-being you've ever felt, 

By learning to flow, trust, forgive, heal, and fully embrace who I am (through the modalities I now use in my coaching & healing work)...I've actualized a level of well-being, partnership, and personal fulfillment that is not "normal" in our society by any stretch. I'm living fully turned on, awake & grateful for my journey every day. I carry a deep genetic peace within me that is the resting place for my experiences, my bliss & my growth moments too. 

By learning to trust, forgive, heal, and fully embrace who I am (through the modalities I now use in my coaching & healing work)...I've actualized a level of well-being, partnership, and personal fulfillment that is not "normal" in our society by any stretch. I'm living fully turned on, awake & grateful for my journey every day. I carry a deep genetic peace within me that is the resting place for my experiences, my bliss & my growth moments too. 

At the same time, I was moving through my own healing, business & self-actualization journey. As I surrendered to the path that life (and my soul) was taking me on, amazing things happened. 




My Signature Healing + Coaching Method. Learn More & Reach Out to Discuss Working Together 1:1

The good news is, it is real. I help my clients create magical lives that transcend what's 'normal' and step into the truly extraordinary.

A life that they feel aligned with on all levels, healing everything that wants to be healed in their lifetime & stepping into deeper and deeper embodiments of wholeness, harmony, radiance, creativity, impact & love.

I would love to help you actualize the deep peace,happiness & fulfillment you're looking for as we unwind any patterns that have been getting in the way of you fully & completely thriving. 

The good news is,
it is real.

I help my clients create magical lives that transcend what's 'normal' and step into the truly extraordinary.

A life that they feel aligned with on all levels, healing everything that wants to be healed
in their lifetime
& stepping into
deeper and deeper embodiments of wholeness, harmony, radiance, creativity, impact & love.

I would love to help you actualize the deep peace,happiness & fulfillment
you're looking for
as we unwind any patterns that have been getting in the way of you fully & completely thriving.