Look, I’m not a money coach.
But don’t stop reading.
Because if you’ve been *doing the money things*
the mindset, the rewriting of beliefs, the getting excited & seeing
the possibility for money everywhere…
But you still aren’t reaching your income goals
(like $10k months, or whatever YOUR next level is, no shame high or low)
Then there might be a different reason…
Sometimes it’s your business strategy or marketing
And sometimes it’s something DEEPER.
I’m going to share an insight about this, but first I want to share that
I had a client who had spent years, actually, DECADES
Trying to work on her ‘under-earning’
And N O T H I N G significantly shifted
(my newly synthesized healing technology)
And now she gets new client inquiries A L M O S T E V E R Y
Surpasses $10k/month consistently
And has so much work that she’s actually subcontracting some of it out
to younger colleagues and making a profit on their hours (while paying them more than fairly – cause we love that & never underpay ppl.)
It’s AWESOME and I’m so happy she’s in this new position after so many years of normal money work not moving the needle.
(We’re doing the next piece of her Wheel Work now)
Ok, so what’s the insight?
I never share specifics from my 1:1 client work (unless I get permission) because what we do is so individual, BUT…
Here’s what I can share for you as an example.
Let’s say your great grandfather never got his career off the ground
Maybe he was sick, or had an addiction…
or was neurodivergent and just couldn’t work within normal structures at the time
(and didn’t have as many options for making income as we do now…)
He carried a deep shame about this ALL HIS LIFE because,
Though his father carried his way financially…
He knew that he was considered a shame on the family
He couldn’t bring himself to overcome his issues or have a meaningful conversation about his circumstances with his brothers, sisters….or people he cared about.
He internalized ALL of it
Had a deep shame around existence and died with this shame energetically intact.
Down the line your soul says “Hey! I want to be incarnated into THAT family. The one with the unprocessed career shame!”
Not only do you think you’ll be able to handle it (we do feel mighty powerful in the non physical, after all… )
but you also know that it will help your evolution because one of YOUR goals is to overcome
any resistance towards money in this lifetime.
(Hence why you’ve been doing all this damn money work )
So you take on your great grandfather’s unresolved career shame
as part of your personal growth journey
(and in Wheel Work, what I call your ‘human story’)
But the problem is, you get to Earth and you can’t remember that you did this!
It feels like a mystery to you that N O T H I N G seems to solve.
If only you knew what to do…you could heal it.
But it’s actually more complicated than that and here’s where Wheel Work comes in.
What I’ve discovered is there is an ORDER OF OPERATIONS to our healing + transformation process that takes care of the (usually multiple) deep pulls on our psyche first.
The ones that are pretty hard to see unless you are an intuitive of some kind (and even then, working on yourself is usually harder than working on others…trust me, I’ve tried.
I’ve found that once I hire mentors that can help hold the pieces of Wheel Work that I’m personally moving through, my progress ZOOMS.)
You can get to these energetic breakthroughs on your own *sometimes*…they’ll come up in a breath work journey for example.
But the problem is, you may have ONE breakthrough, but you don’t address every single piece of the energy that’s contributing to your larger pattern of underlying career shame & not being able to break past $10k months.
So you feel like something changed (because it did!) but soon enough you’re back ‘down to earth’ and feel stuck in the same cycle again.
This is the reason why people go back and back for more meditations and plant journeys – they’re looking for the next breakthrough but *most* of the time, the next step doesn’t happen there.
It’s like throwing spaghetti at the wall instead of having a tried and true PROCESS.
(The kind of process I do with my 1:1 clients)
The kind where you step by step methodically untangle each piece of the energetic / emotional / action-based puzzle
of your relationship to career and money, meeting E V E R Y step of what your soul intended to learn and heal and grow from
so you get TRUE and LASTING transformation, instead of just another high of a breakthrough.
When we do this, your outer world starts showing up differently.
Then YOU to show up differently.
And even if you’re doing the exact same actions you did before, they’re getting W I L D L Y
different results.
You are aligned. Your great grandfather’s career shame is healed
(along with the 5-6 other pieces of this pattern with money we worked on!)
And the $10k months are simple.
If you want to go from endless money mindset exercises into
ACTUALLY RESOLVING each piece of the energetic / emotional stew that is keeping you stuck
And getting to your consistent $10k months (or beyond)
I have a 5-6 month *customized* program for creatives, artists and entrepreneurs called
“AHH, FINALLY” that uses my signature Wheel Work method to do this.
It’s fun, It’s fascinating. It’s super effective.
If you’re curious, DM me on messenger or IG for more info & we’ll start the conversation.