Let me tell you. We’ve all been there. (This is a particularly tough one for me!)

Your brain craves opening social media,
turning on podcasts & generally filling up
all the space that you *could* be using to write,
make your art,
build your own thought leadership and benefit your brand /
business / artistry in a million different ways…but it’s not happening.
You don’t WANT to treat yourself like a machine of capitalism…
you can’t be productive at e v e r y moment after all,
but if you’re honest with yourself, this isn’t that.
Your attention is getting eaten up
by knowing way too much,
being too aware of what other people are doing and thinking
(some of whom you don’t even know or even like THAT much….
How did they get into your feed again?)
and feeling a low level
Of bored, frustrated, dissatisfied
(& when you have enough space to really feel it….disappointed in yourself)
“I have all this time & what am I doing with it??”
“All these ideas that I’m not bringing forward…”
“All this potential getting wasted.”
It’s a hard pill to swallow, so first of all, kudos to you
for even letting yourself take this in
We’re in a strange time in history…
The general public feels more scared than ever, more distracted than ever….
Things feel precarious.
And when things feel precarious
It’s super duper hard to hone in on your own lane
(Especially when you don’t ‘have’ to
When it’s optional
When making art…or expressing yourself online
feels like a privilege and not ‘your straightest path to success’
even though…you know that it IS A HUGE PART
of your path to success & fulfillment.)
And so you numb….you consume…you take in other people’s bravery
and knowledge & transformation
instead of fully committing to your own
But there’s more to the story here and it’s not just the greed of big corporations
(though there’s that too)
For some, there is an ENERGETIC LAW behind this pattern that makes it so tricky to shift.
This law is working alongside your *personal fears, self-doubts,
limiting beliefs, hang ups, previous disappointments…
& judgements of self & others (that may certainly need to be addressed
in order to correct an unhelpful pattern of endless scrolling taking from your artistry & leadership)
There energetic law (it’s one of many) may be expressed like this:
“There is a vacuum within that wants to be filled.”
What is this vacuum for? Here’s what I received about it:
“For all seekers, there is a force of energy that pulls in information, trying to sort it to find a greater truth, a unifying principle, and a way to shortcut the energy-must-be-spent-over-time reality of the human experience.”
That is in high-minded, slightly obtuse speak so let me break this down. 😂
For a seeker, someone who is on the path of understanding, knowledge, spirituality, personal development and looking for truth…
there is an energetic vacuum within that wants to be filled
And now that we have technology, it has so much information! So much flow of consciousness! It’s constantly getting updated too. OMG. What a dream.
The internet has become the fastest, most convenient way to keep seeking, to keeping filling the vacuum within as you consciously or unconsciously search for truth, answers, connection.
Part of this is beautiful. We are teaching one another so much!
And at a certain point it can become destructive.
When it interferes with your creativity.
When it interferes with your business.
When it interferes with your ability to express YOUR unique perspective,
from this very now moment
or to surrender into the “energy-must-be-spent-over-time” reality of the human experience
There is ‘knowing’…there is ‘knowledge’ and there is bringing it into form.
Both necessary, but we shoot our dreams in the foot, so to speak,
When we stay too long in the learning and the seeking
at the detriment of our completion, of our experimenting, of our doing and sharing and creating
from where we are RIGHT NOW.
So here’s the thing…
If you experience this pattern of scrolling or phone addiction that keeps you from feeling inspired, motivated & connected to your voice and creativity in service of your art or business:
It’s likely that an unconscious vacuum in you is trying to be filled, to find some truth…
But the truth IS YOU.
It’s been in you all along.
Every person is sharing from the things they have experienced, the things they are in resonance with and the “innate evolving nature of existence that can choose to expand, stay mostly the same, or contract – and has continual choice of what to do from there.”
You can no longer be unconscious of what you are doing when you fill, fill, FILL yourself with information from devices and screens
You are trying to find something that cannot be found
You are trying to short-circuit the energy-must-be-spent-over-time reality of the human experience.
You are, at a point, essentially numbing yourself to the epic assignment of your exact current circumstances. Your exact current moment.
So what do you do with this vacuum?
You place yourself at the center.
Realize it’s not ‘out there’
With your mind & energy & focus bring everything to YOU
The vacuum a magnetic force at the center of your sternum
Start relating to yourself as the Source point from which Realization happens,
from exactly where you are.
Living your life, making your art,
writing your books, crafting your business from THAT place
And letting everyone else’s journey be their own.
It is more deeply true than using social media or news or podcasts
to fill an endless hole
Because while that can be helpful for awhile, eventually you must fully accept that
You ARE it. You ARE the Source of Realization.
Get used to that posture
& the mass of content from others will never
pull you away from yourself
If you’re picking up what I’m putting down you are likely a person who is on the path of mastering existence, yet because of your personal history, have found yourself stuck in patterns you can’t seem to escape from.
(They could be health related, money related, building your brand related, writing related, familial…)
You are here to work on a different level than most.
Accordingly, you are served most by transformational work that can meet you at every level. From the most mundane to the highly esoteric (which you understand is i n c r e d i b l y practical for a being like yourself – creative, aware, determined, intelligent, constantly seeking growth).
In my 1:1 work with artists, writers, musicians, entrepreneurs and people drawn to my work + words, I help you untangle your most ANNOYING, FRUSTRATING “I’m so DONE with being stuck in this” pattern and bring you into full mastery of the healings, understandings and transformations that are UNIQUE to you soul essence and will give you YOUR fastest path to abundance, fulfillment & well-being.
Though there are energetic laws that apply to many of us (and yes, a few things that exist across the board) we are all on our individual journeys.
If you want a high level coach and energy reader that can work with you to reveal YOUR specific codes for the highest expression of your business or art, send me a message about my 6-month program ‘AHH, FINALLY’ through messenger or IG or email. Let’s dissolve some of your trickiest patterns & help you shortcut to the creative life you’re dreaming about.