I thought I was going to be a singer/songwriter, building my audience and career, touring around the country with my guitar.
And the truth is, I could have done it.
Was on the path, 110% committed.

I had the songs, a voice, could back myself up musically and had the stage presence to silence rooms whenever I played.
There was n o t h i n g that could stop me.
Except my soul’s plan for this incarnation.
Manifesting as a sexual assault meets vocal health crisis at 21 years old, just after recording my first full-length album “The Truth” – I left the land of the “physically healthy” and my real journey began.
Totally unexpected, on my path for finding a solution to my voice issues (and eating disorder…and underling hatred of being a woman…and daddy issues ) I started getting introduced to the more mystical, spiritual, energetic aspects of life through teachers, mentors and employers.
I swear, i didn’t really know what was happening, but I couldn’t go two feet without hitting someone that had another piece of the creative-spiritual-energetic-healing-and-transformation puzzle for me in pursuit of healing my voice so I could do music again.
But years into this journey, I started to understand that this pathway was about much more than just healing my voice.
Essentially, that was the carrot on the stick that my soul gave me because it knew how important music was to me. It was the thing that kept me seeking and learning and growing, first just for my own benefit and then eventually facilitating and teaching and coaching and doing healing work with others.
I realized just in the past year (13 years into this work) that this journey was about discerning a completely new approach to healing that many creatives, artists and entrepreneurs are ready for.
It’s a highly precise practical and spiritual approach to healing life’s most confusing, frustrating, (and often anger or despair inducing patterns)
Why can’t I make enough money?
Why am I terrified to be seen?
Why do I work myself into the ground?
Why can I not seem to work on what I say I want to work on at all?
Why does this ONE ISSUE always seem to get in my way, just when I’m starting to feel things flowing??
I call this method “Wheel Work” and it’s what I use with my 1:1 clients today as I help them be more creative & confident in their career + artistry WHILE taking excellent care of their mental, spiritual and emotional health.
In Wheel Work, we discern what existential pattern is at the root of your career or creative blocks and then methodically work through each ‘obstacle’ keeping that pattern and thus your symptoms- both your inner experience and outer results – stuck in a frustrating cycle that never seems to completely heal or resolve.
Some of these root patterns and symptoms can look like:
– fearing that everything you’ve built will come crashing down around you
– knowing how amazing and talented you are but feeling super confused at why you seem unable to build anything that lasts in your business or get real traction with your artistry
– being irrationally scared that you’re going to get punished, go to jail or be attacked by someone
– overworking to the point that you aren’t being present with the people that you love, seeing your family of origin patterns play out even though you swore you’d be different than your parents
– being a super talented musician or actor, but unable to share your work to the level it deserves when it comes to things like interviews, press or music videos
And on and on and on
Though it sometimes still feels strange to me to be a healer/facilitator/coach FIRST and not a writer or music artist…
I know without a doubt that this was my destiny.
To create this new modality and do incredible work untangling the deepest ingrained patterns of existence with amazingly talented writers, actors, songwriters, performers, multidisciplinary creatives, and entrepreneurs.
// And even if you don’t identify as one of these types…if you’re on a spiritual path of self-actualization, whether in corporate (for now) or full-time mom-ing – I work with you too. //
It’s a thing that *only* I can do. That life and my soul prepared me for in the way that only they can. Perfectly and sometimes brutally .
A gift, and the result of YEARS of dogged work on my discernment, intuitive abilities and ability to cut through to what’s most important, even when it seems like ‘this couldn’t possibly be the way forward.”
Yet undeniably, it is.
It’s clear to me that my soul had multiple essential desires when coming into this life.
– One was to experience true and lasting love.
– One was to write incredibly meaningful songs
– One was to heal my relationship with being a woman, for this stage of life, to be continued as roles progress, I’m sure
– One was “to help myself and others ‘go deeper into the into the energy of existence (life/death/love/healing/creation) than they’ve ever known was possible and in the process transform their whole bank of knowledge about what can be done here on earth on whatever is beyond earth” (yes, I channeled this when working on my own root existential patterns!) This = Wheel Work, and of course, whatever comes next from my continual evolution with it.
Feeling deeply clear in all of this, I am streamlining my routines and getting comfortable fully connecting with this soul purpose.
For my artistry, poetry and music, I’m being soft with myself, listening to my body and what she wants.
She’s holding her desires close, so close that I must create deep intentional space to feel them & allow what’s next to come into full creation mode, like a flower who’s time to bloom has come.
And right now, this all feels perfectly mysterious & terribly exciting when I think about new folks stepping into my 1:1.
Happy weekend friends