“You’re on your own, kid. You always have been.”

If those Taylor Swift lyrics hit a little too hard every time you hear them,
or you feel like life is constantly challenging you
& no one gives you enough support…
and you’re having to do WAY too many things alone –
Listen up, because I have an insight for you.
It’s possible that you only have ONE THING in the way
of you feeling more & more supported by life.
(rippling out into your friendships…your community…& *maybe* even to your family
– but let’s be real, sometimes that particular familial piece, at least in their current stick-in-their-ways-state, just doesn’t want to budge, which is their problem not yours & you may need to protect yourself
But / and / also
I have seen and experienced myself ENORMOUS family healings that literally change lifetimes of complication into pure, lovey, supportive, “I’m so glad you’re my mom/dad/sibling” brand new experiences of one another.
Everyone’s situation is different.
But I digress…)
There may be just LITERALLY ONE THING
keeping you from feeling supported
& if you were able to address that ONE thing, life would show up differently for you.
I’m not just talking about gratitude for what you have,
Or ‘putting the energy out that you want to receive’
Those are wonderful & sometimes powerfully effective practices & states of being
But this is deeper than that.
It could be from childhood, yes
Or it could have to do with your soul purpose, (yes, really)
and be something that is TOTALLY unique to you.
Something that general advice will never get to –
but deep energy work can.
For example….knowing what the e x a c t
connection is between
your soul purpose
& this feeling of being unsupported
might be EXACTLY what you’ve been
needing to put everything into place &
make the lack of support you’ve been
feeling from life, friends, partners or your family
make sense.
It might be THE thing that gives you
that mouth-open gut level acknowledgement
of the long, deep journey you’ve been on spiritually, lifetime after lifetime
And when it all makes sense like that…
& you get all your questions answered…
healing ALL that wants to be healed in
relationship to this soul purpose
& your long-term, unyielding feeling + experience of being unsupported by life…
Suddenly the world around you starts showing up differently
An energy that was totally stuck (& misunderstood) has now been freed up to move
& your INNATE connection to life / God / The Universe / Your Deeply Supported Self
can come online.
Making each piece of your pursuits easier
because you are ALWAYS supported
(by the universe first
& then allowing that support to come in through friends, partners, collaborators, employees, etc.)
You may literally be ONE HUGE EXPERIENCE away
from removing all the barriers
that got put up to resist support coming to you
because a deep, deep part of you was insistent on staying separate from life itself.
This is the ineffable work that I do with my clients
And it has the power to completely heal
& resolve
long-standing repeating issues & negative self-defeating patterns in their lives.
Now usually, there are 5-9 pieces that want to be worked through when I talk to someone,
But as I was writing this post, I felt that it’s possible for someone out there reading this that there is only 1 piece,
One BIG piece that could unlock the floodgates of support for your mission / Great Work in the world,
for your LIFE & your feeling of happiness & connection with others.
I’m not sure who this is for exactly.
(And whether your own big insight would be related to soul purpose or one of the other five entryways into the deep pulls on the psyche that come up in my methodology)
But if you’re resonating with this
I invite you to reach out to have a conversation about the healing + coaching work I do
(or you can read the other posts on my profile to learn more)
I would love to help unlock this for with & help you finally, FINALLY feel supported by all that is.