Let’s take the example of acting for a moment, where it can feel like body type and body image is everything (though feel free to apply this if you aren’t an actor too! Fit it to your scenario in music, love, your coaching business, etc.)
As an actor….you think your BODY TYPE is keeping you from the roles you want…
Spoiler alert: it’s not.

Consider this… You don’t need a different body type to get cast in the roles that are meant for you –
But you’re currently not able to go all the way & be S E E N in such a way that allows you to book those roles
And you’re doing it to yourself (often unconsciously) because….it’s energetic law.
Say you have an identity that you’re “too” something to get booked the way you want to.
“Too” fat. “Too” hot. “Too” flat-chested. “Too” heavy-chested. “Too” acne-prone. “Too” tomboy.
Identifying as “too” much of something activates the energetic law of PROJECTING your perception out into the world around you.
Reality is set up to mirror YOU back to YOU in such a way that you stay stuck (getting more and more frustrated so that *hopefully* you reach “I’ve HAD IT!” moment and finally choose to EVOLVE BEYOND THIS PATTERN.)
But why don’t you? Why do you stay stuck in this story that’s holding your acting career back?
The problem is…
that anyone that has had some deep blows to their self-esteem
is prone to turn the energy IN on themselves (instead of out in anger & defiance)
and get depressed & small.
And if you’ve been raised female, this is even more likely (though it’s not exclusively gendered).
When you feel “too” something, you have unprocessed energy around that thing,
a “CHARGE,” if you will, that precedes you.
You can imagine it like a BIG OLD SPOTLIGHT, saying to casting directors, your agent and potential co-stars…look at me, “I’m too LANKY” or “Jewish looking” or “plain”!! Can’t you SEE how too much/not enough I am?! Look at me!! I don’t make any sense for this part!!!”
And you will be right, because your story/feeling/energy/belief about it is SO S T R O N G that it influences the perception of ALL who see you and thus confirms your perception.
In an endless spiral of disappointment, anger and feeling OUT of the fold.
Healing this can be quite a process (though very, very doable).
When you’ve had a story like this for a long time, you’ve often built up a lot of ‘evidence’ that it’s true…usually going back to childhood, how you were seen by your family or kids at school
(and sometimes even into previous incarnations or archetypal energies that you’ve been resonating with for literal lifetimes….
btw, this is the advantage to working with me vs. a therapist bc I do it ALL & can actually find the multiple prongs of this pattern, including archetypal/past life/familial/etc. that need to be transformed to FULLY resolve it.)
But right now I can give you a step in the process that you can use to notice & transform this charge around your body…
Here it goes.
Find a comfortable, private place and
1. Bring the judgment you have about yourself to your mind and your emotions….
(Let yourself feel the uncomfortable feelings of it)
Notice what is happening in your mind / body / energy field when you do this and give it a comparison.
“It feels like….I want to dig myself deeper and deeper into the sand, like I have to keep moving or I’m going to be criticized”
Or –
“It’s as if my guts are on display and a bunch of birds are about to start pecking at my innards.”
(Gross, I know but stay with me)
2. Once you have a strong image of what this story/belief/identity brings up for you,
(likely, you’ve been shutting this down your whole life) you have something to work with.
What you want to do is SHIFT THE IMAGE. (I’ll use hating your belly as an example)
Maybe you start sewing up your innards and as you do so a feeling of control & security comes over you. “My belly is an essential part of me,” you spontaneously hear yourself thinking.
The feeling continues….
Energetically, your belly is becoming PART of you again, instead of a piece of you that you yourself ostracize and keep separate.
3. Notice a shift in your body
As this continues, you notice that you’re breathing deeper
Naturally, your body wants to undulate into body shapes that SHOW OFF in a way you don’t normally do…
What’s possible for you is changing.
Or as another example, maybe you shift the image by imagining that the feet that WERE digging into the sand (trying to avoid criticism) get suddenly stopped.
The hands of a strong man hold your feet and then your lower legs still. Now your thighs. In your imagination, he’s LOOKING at you like he wants nothing more than to look and look and look and look at you. To touch your skin and see you soften under his gaze…
You lean into the version of yourself that can be seen this way, an object of fascination…worthy of study and T I M E and A T T E N T I O N.
You continue this image further and feel yourself soften…
“Here I am” you hear yourself say spontaneously, with a knowing that you’re READY to be seen for what you ARE instead of protecting yourself
by pre-declaring yourself out of the running. Can’t be chosen. Can’t be seen. Don’t belong.
You continue to play with this energy, this new way of being for days, weeks, months…discovering entirely new ways to look at yourself and then, like magic…
New experiences start to come to you.
In real life at first (ummm people are NOTICING YOU!!) and then in the auditions you’re getting…
You aren’t getting cut out of callbacks or in the initial submission the way that you used to. Casting directors are seeing you in new ways, more deeply tied to your essence than they ever have before.
They see you in this essence that you unconsciously hid for so long, trying to protect yourself,
but has now become free to be seen by others…
getting you callbacks for the roles you want until you finally land THE ONE.
The perfectly aligned role that raises your income & name recognition SIGNIFICANTLY, & even leads you to meeting the love of your life… (cause they can see you clearly now too )
All this is possible when you work with me in AHHH, FINALLY, my custom, (on average) six month container for artists, actors, musicians, multidisciplinary creatives and business owners who want to FINALLY breakthrough the self-sabotaging energetic patterns that have been plaguing them for YEARS and step into what they were put on this earth to do.
You can shift the unconscious energy that you’ve been projecting out into the world
Keeping your smaller in your career than you would like to be.
There are often multiple things holding you back, which is why it can feel so difficult to resolve.
I’ve developed a methodology for healing + transformation that is incredibly comprehensive, healing each specific thing at the exact right time and guiding you into the potent action & embodiment that is necessary in order to have real change.
If you want to go from not feeling good enough and like your body is a burden to your career
to fully embodying your light, your essence and letting yourself shine and book the roles (or get on the stages, or show up online) in the way that will
actually move your career from just getting along to THRIVING, send me a message.
I love to talk specifics, set up a call so we can learn more about one another and get you FINALLY past this life-sucking pattern and into truly living your creative + career dreams.
Send me a message on messenger or IG to start the convo.