Have you ever been in therapy or working with a coach (or hell, even talking to your friends or partner) and you realize
Omg. I’m saying the same thing –
[year after year]
[session after session]
[cute coffee shop catch up after cute coffee shop catch up]
– and nothing’s changed!
Well, damn. That’s annoying.
It annoyed me too.
I couldn’t understand why SOME subjects just didn’t ever seem to fully resolve in my clients or myself with the healing modalities and accountability and coaching techniques I was using…
(Read on & then watch the video linked below for the full story about my client who needed to swap talking about it to truly healing & shifting the ENERGY around it)

Now, it’s true….T I M I N G is a real thing on our soul journeys and *sometimes* it’s just literally ‘walking it out’ until the time is right for your breakthrough.
Sometimes it’s not that
Sometimes you’re stuck in a pattern of
T A L K I N G instead of
h e a l i n g
(This is what was happening with my client in the video I share below. Her internet even went out ‘for no reason’ when it was too much talking, not enough healing happening! And yay, we could shift it.)
She’s getting major healing breakthroughs that are the first step in untangling a long-standing pattern of feeling illegitimate / imposter syndrome).
Together, using my methodology, we are clearing this pattern from her body, mind, emotions, energy & entire lineage.
If you are a creative, artist or entrepreneur and want this kind of deep & specific work to fully resolve your deepest fear-based/self-sabotaging patterns, send me a DM messenger or IG for more information.
If “AH, FINALLY” my custom 1:1 coaching & healing program is right for you
I can take you from
talking about the same issue year after year after year
to moving onto WAY better problems.