Feel Like You’re Being Taken Advantage Of?

Let’s talk about it.

People are trying to RIP YOU OFF & you’re f*ing tired of it. 😡😧😡

You’ve built an amazing brand as an online entrepreneur, musician, creative or writer…

And it’s like e v e r y o n e wants a bigger piece of the pie than they deserve.

Taking too big of a cut, giving you terms you don’t like, or just being difficult

when YOU are the one that built the audience and deserves to benefit the most.

You’re not being ungrateful, this is really happening to you, it KEEPS happening to you

and you are SO f*ing sick of it.

And I get it. It’s not just, “this is how the industry is”

“Everybody deals with this…”

“Why don’t you just be grateful for all the opportunities that you have?”

This pattern is coming up for a reason.

A very p a r t i c u l a r reason that applies to YOU specifically

This pattern is a necessary aspect of what I like to call your “Human Story”

and it’s here to teach you something very specific.

(or else it wouldn’t be happening with this regularity

and in such in-your-face ways…(

truly – the brazenness with which people try to take advantage of you + everything you’ve built IS SHOCKING)

When you’ve got a repetitive issue like this…

There’s always a reason why.

It could be that an experience in your life lhas caused you to feel that


For example…the feeling that

Someone died so you could live…

Someone failed so you could succeed…

Someone sacrificed + you came out the WINNER.

An event happened in your early life to make you believe this or it’s something you’ve just felt since birth.

And what does that do to you?

Well, if you have a heart it makes you feel BAD

It makes you feel guilty

And consciously or unconsciously…. feeling bad or guilty for THAT long means reality is going to reflect back this belief to you through experiences….

Experiences where you are ‘forced to pay the debt’ that deep down


OR… (when you understand where this has been coming from & heal it you see things differently)

From that perspective…..

Life is giving you circumstances in which you can see that your original perception was incorrect

That you can forgive yourself and others…

And that you don’t owe A N Y O N E an endless stream of you getting taken advantage of

just because you had it better than them.

Or you were the one that survived, got the resources,

or ‘made it out’ of where you came from.

You can finally let it go, HEAL around this

& stop having to recreate it in your life.

(Hallelujah! I’d be so happy to help you with this!)

Or perhaps you come to see that there IS a debt to be paid…

You DO owe something that the Universe keeps trying to get from you…for something you did and absolutely are beholden to and responsible for.

But – with this awareness & acceptance of your error, you can pay it DIRECTLY, sending that energy where it belongs

instead of recreating the experience in a thousand different ways with people that you don’t actually owe

as your psyche tries to resolve this harrowing issue

in any way that it can, stealing your power, until you get the message.

Do you feel you owe a debt to someone?

Do you feel like you stepped on someone else (consciously or unconsciously)

to get where you are?

Or is part of you feeling unworthy under a God you aren’t even 100% sure you believe in

(but grew up with)?

These are examples of the tangles of the psyche that are working under every repetitive experience

e s p e c i a l l y emotionally charged experiences.

When it’s repetitive, emotional & life-stealing, you can be sure there is a reason for it.

BUT – when you find ALL that is contributing to this underlying pattern –

(with the help of a healer and coach like me)

When you find the stories, the beliefs, the stuck emotions & untaken actions & resolve them.

You can STOP creating that experience in your life. Because you got the meaning and healed it. (Hallelujah!!)

When you complete a journey like this, your entire life, artistry, income & creative potential EXPANDS.

You are called to different ways of communicating, collaborating, even deepening romantic love or friendship in your life

because you no longer have the underlying fear

that people want to rip you off.

New career opportunities open up to you where you are treated WELL, the way you deserve to be treated

Or you finally find the lawyer or manager that GETS IT and can advocate for you

Without coming off as entitled and hurting important relationships as they negotiate better terms for you.

You no longer get triggered into rage every week because another person

is giving you a bad deal.

Eventually, it doesn’t happen anymore at all

because there’s nothing left for you to learn there.

You gain EASE along with the brand & artistry you’ve already built

Terms and agreements are clear, unquestionable

And you always feel like the people you do deals with respect you & honor all of the craft you’ve put into what you do.

If you’re done with people trying to rip you off again and again,

Not respecting everything you’ve created and compensating you accordingly…

I offer a 5-6 month program for artists, actors, musicians, creative leaders & entrepreneurs

to address the underlying root cause of

annoying AF patterns that show up in your work, artistry, relationships & life.

It’s called “AHHH, FINALLY” because that is the relief you will feel once you know

e x a c t l y what has been creating your issue & how to resolve it,

As you move from constantly frustrated, suspicious, feeling put upon & angry

to CLEAR, easeful, guilt free

& compensated and respected at the level you deserve.

DM me on messenger or IG

and we’ll chat by messenger to see if it’s a good fit.

I have 1 space to get started in the next few weeks

& if this IS the answer to your problems, you’ll know after we talk more deeply about it over messenger or moving to a scheduled Zoom call next week if that makes sense for both of us.

My DM’s are open. ✨