Let me know if this sounds familiar….
(more attention, more $$, more ppl wanting to take you to the next level….) YOU GET SICK.

“My body hates me,” you think…AGAIN,
as you have to cancel the tour dates,
postpone the exhibition or as a business owner say,
“I just can’t add another thing to my plate right now”
even though you’d HAPPILY chuck your obligations (or delegate them….)
to be able to say YES.
Won’t let you thrive.
Won’t let you do what you r e a l l y want to do.
Won’t be on your side for fucking once…
It’s T H E W O R S T – and – it’s not a coincidence.
Not even close.
It’s a highly-developed energetic pattern that WILL NOT CHANGE UNLESS YOU DO.
No matter what your doctor has told you
Or even your therapist (“just go easy on yourself….” “get some rest” “have compassion
for where you’re at” “it’s a chronic condition…have you tried lowering your stress?”)
But lucky for you I know how to solve it.
First, you need to keep in mind that this is only O N E insight I can share
into the issue of your body getting sick or symptoms flaring up
whenever your career or business momentum starts to build…
but it could be key for you. So read close.
In many of my 1:1 clients, we uncover deep unconscious pulls on their psyche that are keeping them spinning in a negative repetitive pattern. Here’s an example:
You’ve made a VOW to never outshine your MOTHER (or FATHER if you’re a man)
And your unconscious psyche will protect that vow at ALL costs because
it is the baseline of your safety in this world
(She brought you INTO this world & kept you safe in it for years, didn’t she?).
If a part of you has agreed to stay small and containable so that she (or he)
won’t feel threatened or bad about herself…
your entire energy field will do everything it can to keep you
from reaching the levels of success
that you’re truly capable of.
And the path of least resistance to doing it (because you are actually so talented, skillful & DESERVE big success, so opportunities keep coming to you…)
is to make you sick.
Your psyche + soma has elegantly solved the problem of not threatening your mother or father
& you get sympathy because very few people are willing to question a ‘medical diagnosis’
Look, sometimes a medical diagnosis IS just a medical diagnosis….
But a good portion of the time IT’S SO MUCH MORE.
If you suspect that THIS particular vow (or something like it)
is contributing to your sudden intensification of symptoms
anytime you start to gain momentum in your business or artistic career,
you will need to re-write this vow.
And after working with vows many times with my clients
I can confidently say that it doesn’t ‘just happen’
You can’t just become aware of it and then go
“Ok, I’m deciding differently now”
It’s either a process, of re-writing the vow in real time
through your interactions with not only your mother
But anyone in your life who is showing up to reiterate this
unconscious vow that you’ve made…
Or other times, it takes a ritual,
One that comes after deep exploration of all the ways
This has played out in your life,
Addressing all your fears and
bringing you the conviction you need to
Actually rewrite it.
Whatever the course is for you, it will be some of the
best internal work you ever do.
Giving you your life back
so you can manifest the success, recognition
& WELL-BEING as you do it
to your highest ability.
If the illnesses were ‘random’,
A flu blocking you out of the blue, for example, they will go away
(perhaps after a little ‘test’ or two to make sure you really got the lesson…)
If they have been more chronic & are deeply ingrained
in your body’s systems
you may find relief in ‘discovering’ a new medical practitioner
or solvent that finally works for you, managing your symptoms enough
that you no longer have to cancel or step down
when a big creative career opportunity presents itself.
Eventually, you may even heal the condition entirely even though your
current doctors do not think that’s possible.
You finally feel empowered, in a deep and loving relationship with your body,
feeling peace about your relationship with your mother or father,
and like there is nothing stopping you
from your creative destiny.
ALL of your experiences are fuel for your artistry
And the opportunities coming to you get bigger and bigger
as you meet them each time with excitement, gratitude and personal magnetism
that can’t be turned down any longer.
You are happy, fulfilled and amazed by your life on the daily.
You have transcended a huge root negative pattern in your life
and now the sky’s the limit on what you can do, be, have and GIVE to the world
with your art & simply your way of being.
It’s beautiful and you are HERE for it.
These kinds of results are possible with my six month 1:1 program “AHH, FINALLY” (aka, Wheel Work)
where we determine the root existential cause of
an annoying (& career blocking) repetitive pattern in your life.
I work with creatives, artists & entrepreneurs to completely dissolve + master
the pattern of getting sick when a big opportunity comes
so that it never plagues you again.
(Or if it does come up to test you,
you know e x a c t l y what to do to move through it
& keep your career momentum going, growing & expanding
into the success that you deserve)
If you want this kind of freedom, awareness, & the potential
to truly self-actualize in an area that has stymied you for YEARS..
Reach out to discuss working together 1:1
We’ll chat a bit on messenger or IG or email, and set up a call to talk further,
see if it’s a fit and get started at your chosen date.
❤️ Kerri