This is a story I’ve heard multiple times from successful female entrepreneurs turned authors…and it sucks, so lets get into it.

They go the traditional publishing route,
get wrapped up in someone else’s process
(that is honestly organized less well than their own custom-fit systems & structures)
And things start going to hell in a hand basket.
Your editor leaves,
or you have a serious health matter, but you’re on deadline, trying to push through because this is such a ‘big opportunity’
Seriously…women with miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies have pushed through the pain and grief and loss to make a publishing deadline – it’s wild.
Or…everything’s going reasonably well, you’re meeting YOUR deadlines and planning your program launches accordingly to keep your business running
but then the PUBLISHER keeps changing things up, screwing with your timing
and essentially forcing you to take a hit financially
when it’s already SO MUCH WORK
to write an AMAZING BOOK
& lead your brand & business outside of that.
I’m not here to knock publishing as a whole.
Traditional publishing can be a GREAT opportunity.
There are MANY good publishers, editors and agents out there
and I support my clients who want to go that route fully.
(I also support my clients who want to self-publish and launch their book through their own business & audience)
Sometimes issues like this…when it comes to working with a publisher
are simple misalignment.
You abdicated your intuition/personal authority to take the best deal,
even though you really connected with the smaller publisher/editor with the smaller advance…
You went for the name recognition instead of alignment…
and that can eff up a LOT on its own.
And sometimes, it’s bigger than that.
More karmic.
(NOT punishment, mind you)
Sometimes the situations you’ve gotten embroiled in
are a result of a SOUL CONTRACT
being fulfilled
(essentially, a weighty agreement that was made pre-incarnation
with someone or something that brings you together in an often
uncomfortable or even downright *traumatic* scenario
for your sense of self, your trust in others or your business.
And for the record – no, not all trauma is the result of a soul contract…reality is complex and that’s exactly what my work discerns)
I’ve heard many entrepreneur-turned-author-going-the-traditional-publishing-route-and having-a-terrible-time stories
and how they’ve played out into ill effects in finances, physical and mental health,
trapping their authors in something that feels like hell
And when a circumstance in your life feels THAT HARD to get out of….
When you keep working against yourself,
making excuses for people &
trying to make it work even though all the signs are
pointing to you being disrespected….
You’ve got INNER WORK to do.
Because it’s possible that you made a soul contract,
potentially even with this publishing company
(of life itself)
that you wanted to learn this time around to NOT abdicate your personal power
to A N Y O N E.
You did a great job with this in starting your own successful business
and building an amazing brand outside of the norm.
But when it came to the title or notoriety of being a “big name published author”
You lost it.
You gave your power away.
Signed on the dotted line to get hit again & again
with the negative results of the abdication of your power to this publisher and to the IDEA of what it means to be a household name writer….
And UNTIL you return to the true source of your power
– which is only ever You + Source itself.
In order to heal this scenario of being stuck in hell with your publisher
you would have to understand the soul contract fully
& then step by step either live up to it,
(which I would guide you through)
Or dissolve or amend it, depending on what is e x a c t l y
right for your soul + human journey in your FULL POWER.
These are the kinds of complex financial-relational-spiritual problems that I help my clients solve
The kind of negative experiences and circumstances that
are just too relentless or too ‘on the nose’ to be just bad luck.
The answer is…they’re part of your soul’s journey.
An working with a healer like me that can discern e x a c t l y
what is going on (because it’s usually a HANDFUL of things, not just one)
is priceless.
For your wallet, your piece of mind, your enjoyment of LIFE, WORK, YOUR CREATIVITY
& your impact on the world,
honoring the completeness of your soul’s intentions
for this lifetime.
If you recognize something of yourself in this story
(or want to prevent a deeply negative experience like this
from happening to you
as you expand the reach of your brand, business & thought leadership)
Reach out about my 1:1, ~6-month program “AHH, FINALLY”
which takes powerful women like you from feeling attacked,
& blindsided by disrespecting you
and subtly taking you out of your power
leading to disastrous results….
to FULLY understanding what you are here to do in this lifetime,
(not just in vocation but in the intricacies of mastering both your
soul + human story)
transcending unnecessary negative experiences & patterns
and aligning with your HIGHEST TRAJECTORY in matters of creativity, business & soul.
It’s deeply important, deeply beautiful work and I love to help
high-powered entrepreneurs & creatives like yourself
avoid the mistreatment, stress & emotional or financial trauma
that can come when there are underlying soul mechanics at play
that are simply just too taxing in your already demanding
schedule to diagnose & work through on your own.
If this resonates, I would love to be by your side and help you
move through this experience with grace, power & success.
DM me on messenger or IG “Ahh, finally” to start the conversation.