I cried when I heard it…

There I was last Friday night. Sitting on the floor by the control desk with my knees under me, my husband running the live recording session from our home studio….and our guitar player Asher just let fly the most BRILLIANT, sing-able, hard-rocking solo I had ever heard (Thank God we were rolling!) on the last track of my EP.

Tears well up in my eyes as I’m instantly transported back to being 17 years old, driving in my red Mercury Tracer on the highway, blasting my indie favs like Weezer and The Shins.

“I can’t believe this is MY song,” I think, my eyes closed and head bowed down in disbelief. “Is this even really happening right now?!!”

It was a moment of extreme gratitude…and also in extreme pride for how far I’ve come. Though I felt extremely lucky, I knew that the moment wasn’t just about luck…

It was about my commitment to myself, and my 10 year journey of healing, self-love, forgiveness and trust. (The song is about forgiving my dad for being in jail when I was growing up and preparing to start a family of my own.)

It was about surrendering to the trajectory of my life and continuing to learn and grow and create, (even when my career and artistry looked nothing like I thought it would).

It was being more confident in the studio than I ever had been. Saying “No, that sound isn’t working…let’s try another option” until we hit on THE sound…the one that I didn’t even realize would bring me to tears and ring in my head for days and days afterward. (& that I can’t wait to share with everyone, OMG!)

It was committing to keeping my dream of recording my music alive, even when it no longer made career or financial sense.

It was an experience of joy like I’ve never quite had before. 

And it was so worth the journey.

Yes, I am indeed riding high off of an amazing weekend recording guitars for 5 of the 6 tracks on my upcoming EP… and I want to take this opportunity to share some of my certainty with YOU.

If you’ve got a dream in your heart, (creative or otherwise) keep going.

If you have had to surrender your timeline more times than you’d like to admit, it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

If it matters on your deathbed, it’s worth making changes for. It’s worth taking risks for. 

It’s worth showing up for even when it doesn’t even seem to make sense for you any longer… It’s worth the tears and it’s worth the emotional pain that has to be felt on the way to creating it. 

[Do every single one of our dreams come true in this life? I’m not sure about that…I think sometime’s our soul chose something that we can’t quite understand yet…]

But is it worth being on the journey to find out?


What you discover along the journey of creating the business that you want, or the relationship, or the book, podcast, or the family…is totally worth it.

And it may even turn out better than you could have ever imagined.

Sending you love, courage & excitement! Change is in the air. Let yourself transform with the change in season.

Love, Kerri